A Montserratian Leadership Consultant calls for more Autonomy for Montserrat

A Montserratian leadership consultant is confident that even though the island is a British Overseas Territory it doesn’t mean that it decision-making has to be steeped in British ideology.

Jay Wellington Weekes, who resides in Canada, feels that too often, the guidance for Montserrat’s forward thrust is based on the dictates of the British.

He highlights that the island’s leadership structure should be such that the roadmap should be organized in such a way to benefit future generations.

Mr Weekes outlines that Montserrat’s future direction should not be dependent on it being a British Overseas Territory but founded on the knowledge and resilience of its people.

Jay wellington Weekes was at the time contributing to an international forum discussing the Montserrat Constitution Order and whether its arrangements are fit for the 21st century.

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