Date for Montserrat's Mutual Evaluation Confirmed

The date for Montserrat’s Mutual Evaluation has been confirmed. The exercise will take place from April 8 to 19 2024.

During her visit to Montserrat Naleda Jackson Federick from the Financial Action Task Force said this important says the Mutual Evaluation is to test Montserrat’s compliance with CFATF’s recommendations.

It will also test the effectiveness of the island’s anti money laundering and counter terrorist financing measures.

As Montserrat marches towards its Mutual Evaluation in 2024, efforts continue here to ensure that the island is in compliance with recommendations by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF).

To this end the United Kingdom Charity Commission will be visiting Montserrat from the 15th -17th May to assist the island in understanding the extent to which it should apply focused and proportionate measures to Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs).

NPO’s have been identified as being vulnerable to terrorist financing abuse, in line with the risk-based approach.

As the jurisdiction prepares for the FATF Mutual Evaluation in April 2024, the training seeks to assist Montserrat in ensuring “Terrorists, terrorist organizations and terrorist financiers are prevented from raising, moving and using funds, and from abusing our NPO sector.”

This comes on the heels of a three training workshop for public and private sector agencies, conducted by the CFATF Secretariat.

It provided guidance with respect to greater preparation for the upcoming Mutual Evaluation and a greater appreciation of the FATF recommended set standards for anti money laundering and financing of terrorism.