Final Piece for Hot Mix Plant Arrives on Island

The Ministry of Communication, Works, Labour and Energy is a step closer to operationalizing its brand new hot mix plant.

It reported that it received the remaining components of the Plant last weekend.

The plant was bought as part of the A1 Road Project under the Capital Investment Programme for Resilient Economic Growth (CIPREG) funded by the UK Government.

The ministry says the arrival of the plant took considerably longer than they could have anticipated due to a reduction of staff at the manufacturing factory which was followed by a lockdown due to Covid-19.

It took some time before manufacturing of the plant resumed and this too was undertaken with limited resources due to Covid-19 protocols.

Representatives from the plant’s supplier "Smart Asphalt Solutions" are expected on island shortly to complete assembly of the plant and to train staff of the Public Works Department on its use ahead of commissioning.

Once this is completed Ministry says the PWD will embark on an aggressive road rehabilitation campaign, as it looks forward to returning the island’s road networks to the high standard which residents and visitors were accustomed to.

The Ministry also says it is grateful to have had the support of the FCDO, Procurement Unit and the Programme Management Office as it worked with Smart Asphalt Solutions to arrive at this point.