FCDO Sees Need Fore More Investment In Montserrat

The Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office FCDO sees need for more investment in Montserrat’s infrastructure.

The recommendation is contained in the FCDO’s review of the last three-year Montserrat budget cycle 2019-2022.

The report which was published last weekend, stated that alongside a renewed effort from the Government of Montserrat to draw up and implement a sustainable economic growth strategy,  there needs to be sustained and strategic UK investment in in the island’s infrastructure and local capabilities.

It says this needs to balance investment in basic infrastructure and investments which will spur on economic growth.

According to the report the UK and Montserrat Governments have agreed to begin discussions to scope out a new UK funded capital investment programme as a successor to the existing CIPREG.

It warns that there is a risk that, without the additional investment needed, to get onto a positive growth trajectory, Montserrat will remain dependent upon UK assistance.

73.88 million pounds were allocated to Montserrat during the three-year period with the Government of Montserrat averaging a B score.

 Meantime, the Programme Completition Review recommends that the Government of Montserrat and the UK government should ensure that salary levels are set at an appropriate level for education and public health workers.

 It also calls for establishing a partnership between an National Health Service Trust in England and the Ministry of Health in Montserrat so that health support is being provided in a systematic way.

 NHS could also provide advice on how to quality assure medical care on Montserrat.

Radio Montserrat