Sustainability the Focus of Tourism Week 2022

Focus must be placed on sustainability in the tourism sector.

So says Minister with responsibility for tourism, Premier, the Honourable Joseph Farrell, as he addressed the opening ceremony and panel discussion to launch tourism week 2022 Monday morning.

Premier Farrell acknowledged the importance of tourism in Montserrat's economy and how several factors can cripple the livelihoods of persons who depend on that sector.

Premier Farrell states that there is a shared vision to ensure tourism on Montserrat becomes a more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive sector.

He adds that the government is committed to improving resilience in the tourism sector through the implementation of plans and policies

Premier, the Honourable Joseph Farrell

Meantime, Director of Tourism, Rosetta West-Gerald also addressed the opening of Tourism Week 2022.

She outlined the primary goal and purpose of the week.

Director of Tourism, Rosetta West-Gerald