Montserrat Community College Students Continue to Achieve High Pass Rates

The Montserrat Community College continues its remarkable success in the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations.. (CAPE).

Results from the 2022 exams show the college achieving 100 per cent passes in thirteen out of eighteen subjects.

A press release from the College states that forty-five students wrote the exams in eighteen subject areas.

There were 100 per cent passes in Accounting Unit 1, Biology Unit 2, Caribbean Studies, Computer Science Unit 1, Computer Science Unit 2, Digital Media Unit 1, and Entrepreneurship Unit 1.

A similar feat was achieved in Environmental Science Unit 2,Geography Unit 2, Information Technology Unit 1, Management of Business Unit 2,Physics Unit 2 and Tourism Unit 1.

Other passes, ranging from 93 per cent to 80 per cent were attained in four of the remaining five subject areas.

There was a total of one hundred and forty exam sittings with one hundred and twenty-nine passes.

The Overall Pass Rate for the College for the 2022 Advanced Proficiency examinations is 92.0%.