Special Sitting of Legislative Assembly Carded for Tuesday

There will be a special sitting of the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday.

Speaker the Honourable Charliena White says the parliament will meet at 9:00am to respond to the death of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second.

The Queen passed away peacefully on September 8th in Balmoral in Scotland.

Governor Her Excellency Sarah Tucker is expected to address the members of the House at the Special Sitting, after a Motion is moved by Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell

Following the Governnor’s address Members of the Legislative Assembly will give their speeches honouring her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth the Second.

Motion will be moved by the Premier to send the remarks and condolences to His Majesty The King Charles the Third.

The special sitting in Montserrat will mirror slightly what took place at West Minister Hall in London on Monday.