Further Details Provided on Financial Assistance for Resident’s Electricity Bills

The government has provided more details on its plan to assist households with their electricity bills.

Cabinet approved that persons within the monthly consumption range of 31 – 100 Kilo Watt hour of electricity will get a monthly amount of 300 dollars.

Customers within a monthly consumption range of 101 – 200 kilo watt hour will get a monthly amount of 200 dollars and those who use 201 Kilo Watt hour and over – 100 dollars.

These monthly payments will be made over a three-month period.

Persons who consumed 30 Kilo Watt hour and below will not receive any payment unless they indicate to the Social Welfare Department that they had been present on island and their consumption was below the threshold. 

If sufficient evidence was provided, their accounts will be credited monthly with$300.

Cabinet requested a report from Montserrat Utilities Limited (MUL), after the second month of payments, to determine the Company’s financial position.

Earlier this month the government announced it will assist households with their electricity cost for 3 months, over and above the 246 persons who have been getting assistance since April.

Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell.