Region's Agri-Food Sector Needs Comprehensive Action

Food and nutrition were at the top of the agenda at the 43rd CARICOM Heads of Government meeting which ended in Suriname on Tuesday.


Secretary General Dr. Carla Barnett says it is important that comprehensive actions are taken to create an agri-food sector that will finally put the region on the road to self-sufficiency.


She says this work has become even more crucial given the global food crisis first triggered by the supply chain difficulties, and then, vastly worsened by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Both countries produce a significant amount of the world’s grain and wheat.


Montserrat has signed on to CARICOM’s goal of reducing the region’s food import bill by 25per cent by the year 2025.


Premier, the Honourable Joseph Farrell believes that this is an important issue for Montserrat as the island imports approximately 85 per cent of its food.


He says it is therefore imperative that the leaders come up with solutions to reduce food imports and step up production.


In related news…..Premier Farrell met with the President of Suriname Chandrika Persad Santokhi on the sidelines of the CARICOM summit.


The two leaders discussed matters of mutual interest.


The meeting with the Surinamese leader followed a tree planting exercise in the capital Paramaribo.


Premier Farrell also joined fellow CARICOM leaders in planting a tree, as part of activities leading up to the 50th anniversary of the CARICOM Community in 2023.