Timothy Antoine Encourages Food Security in Montserrat and the Currency Union

As the topic of the need to ensure food security in the region intensifies, the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) says it is taking great interest as an encourager and not providing a service.

During the second stop on the governor’s 2022 round of Country Outreach Missions last week, Timothy N. J Antoine, says they have an interesting advocacy role for the need to connect.

Governor Antoine spent this past week meeting with Governor, Her Excellency Sarah Tucker, Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell and other government officials, the leader of the opposition and the private sector among others

The governor’s 2022 round of Country Outreach Missions began with a visit to Anguilla from May 04-06.


A top official at the US-based Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) - a global renewable energy agency - says the time is opportune for Montserrat and other Caribbean islands to transition from carbon sources to renewable energy.

David Gumbs co-director at RMI islands and former Chief Executive Officer of the Anguilla Electricity Company Limited says there are reasons why this change needs to happen, but the most practical reason is the cost of energy at present.

He stresses that the exhorbitant costs of electricity are proving prohibitive especially for Montserrat and other small island developing states in the Caribbean.

************************************************************************************************************Montserrat can expect more support from the United Kingdom Treasury as it prepares for mutual evaluations by the Financial Action Task Force, FATF in 2024.

This has been confirmed by Allison Kelly, Head of Strategy for the UK Technical Assistance Unit.

Kelly, along with Ian Collins recently briefed Cabinet on the evaluation, which is expected to analyze the implementation and effectiveness of measures by local institutions to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

Cabinet noted that Montserrat has work to do to prepare for the evaluation in 2024.

Cabinet was also updated on technical support the UK Treasury can provide to Montserrat in the form of knowledge sharing, assistance with creating an action plan to ensure FATF delivery and sharing of existing legislation in other Overseas Territories.

The UK team also recommended the creation of a local working group to oversee progress on actions. 

FATF is an intergovernmental organization founded by the G7 to develop policies to combat money laundering and terrorism financing.

It aims to set standards and promote effective implementation of legal, regulatory and operational measures for fighting threats to the integrity of the international financial system.

*************************************************************************************************************In News from the Court

A panel of seven women and two males has been sworn in to hear the case the Queen versus Warren Cassell.

Cassell has been charged with one count of concealing the proceeds of criminal conduct contrary to section 33(1) (a) of the Proceeds of Crime Act 1999, Caption 4.04.

When the high court resumed on Monday, His Lordship Justice Stanley John began by cautioning potential jurors as to their responsibility to the court, the defendant Cassell and the prosecution.

After about an hour of resumption, the 9-member jury was selected. Following the arraingnment, at which time Cassell had the charge read to him, he entered a plea of not guilty.

Richard Jury QC then addressed the jury on the contents of the case and the procedure going forward.

All members of the jury took the oath of adjournment.

The prosecution is expected top call their first witness in the trial on June 14th.