Consultative Process to Review Montserrat Sustainable Development Plan Resumes

A spokesperson for the launch of the review of the Montserrat Sustainable Development Plan (SDP) has been providing an update of the consultative process to date.

Norman Cassell said that on Wednesday May 25, the virtual diaspora consultative process to review the SDP took place between 9:00am and 12:00noon. He said the aim was to get as many people globally to be involved in the consultation.

Appearing on the latest “live from London” Radio programme, Mr. Cassell spoke of the thrust to review the 2008 to 2020 document, the planning framework that sets out the economic pathway for Montserrat, after unavoidable delays.

Mr. Cassell allays any fear that the document would last the lifespan of a government, and is reinvented every time a new administration is elected

Norman Cassell.