Montserrat Integrity Structures Review Report with Relevant Recommendations Currently Before Cabinet

A review of Montserrat’s Integrity Structures, specifically the Integrity and Complaints Commission has been completed.

A five-member independent committee was established to conduct the review and make recommendations to strengthen the functions of the island’s integrity systems, which are seen by members of the public and other stakeholders as not being fit for purpose.

The review Committee was also tasked with examining the ability of the current Integrity related Commissions to operate and achieve outcomes, determine their effectiveness and, where necessary, make recommendations for possible improvements.

A report with the relevant recommendations has be compiled and forwarded to His Excellency, Governor Andrew Pearce for his attention.

Governor Pearce, who is also head of the public sector task group, says the grouping has carefully considered the recommendations put forth by the Review Panel.

He says the panel did a good job in its work and consulted widely.

Governor Pearce added that the Public Sector Task Group has put its recommendations to Cabinet, drawing from the Integrity Architecture Review Panel.

He says Cabinet is currently digesting these recommendations before any official communication on the report is issued.

The review Committee was chaired by Mr. Peter W. A White.

Other members of the committee includes Mr. Peter Queeley, Mr. Glen Francis, Ms. Siobhan Tuitt and Mr. Gilmore Williams.