Viking Cruises' Maiden Voyage Hailed A Success Despite Some Challenges

Despite some challenges, the new cruise season was off to a successful start on Thursday.

More than 300 passengers disembarked from the Viking Cruise Ship, which was making its maiden voyage to Montserrat.

They were taken on an island tours including the buried town of Plymouth.

Roselyn Cassell Sealy of Travel World says several new stops were included in the itinerary this year, which the passengers fully enjoyed.

Mrs. Cassell Sealy says they hope to improve on some aspects of the service including the coordination of buses.

Meantime, a veteran bus operator has expressed his disappointment that private buses were used to transport some of passengers off the ship on Thursday. Kenneth Farrell says some bus and taxi operators were unable to get a job on the day while private buses were hired.

Radio Montserrat