Cabinet To Have A Second Look At Penal Code

The penal code is heading back to the Legislative Assembly.

The Cabinet has approved amendments to the proposed legislation, which will be tabled at the next sitting of the Assembly later this month.

During the sitting in April, the Government announced that it was withdrawing the legislation after it was recommended to a select committee.

Another round of consultations was scheduled to take place before it was brought back to the Legislative Assembly.

The legislation, which was introduced in February, was designed to protect the privacy and vulnerability of children.

The proposed law targeted cyber crimes, making it a criminal offense to intercept material on the internet, interfere with data, acquire data illegally and interfere with computers systems that could affect operations such as water or electricity distribution.

One of the most important aspects was the protection of minors against child pornography.

Persons caught distributing photos of minors would have been subjected to hefty fines.

The bill was before a select committee that was to report back to the Assembly by the end of March.

Radio Montserrat