Financial Information Month to be Launched on Friday

Financial Information Month, FIM, will be launched in Montserrat by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) on Friday.

FIM, which was initiated in 2002, is observed every October under the theme Financial Empowerment Through Education.

It is geared towards attaining a financially developed and vibrant ECCU region that fosters strong and sustainable economic growth and the improved well-being of the residents and citizens. 

Each year, FIM partners roll out various programmes in their respective territories on financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial matters in an effort to attain this goal.   

FIM 2021 area of focus is Innovation in the Face of Financial Adversity – Respond! Recover! Rise!

Throughout the month, activities will highlight a number of sub themes including “Let’s Get Digital: Equipping yourself for the digital way of life; Make saving, budgeting and investing a habit for a more comfortable tomorrow; and Minding your business: How your small business can stay afloat in tough times.”

Initiatives planned for Montserrat include the Declaration Speech by the Premier, a church service at the Roman Catholic Church, the High Visibility Walk and Treasure Hunt, FIM Trivia Night, panel discussions every Tuesday and Thursday morning on ZJB (Radio Montserrat) featuring well-profiled panelists, radio quizzes and tips, virtual games, charity donations and a mini symposium for entrepreneurs, also featuring high-profile presenters.