The Montserrat National Trust Launches Children’s Garden and Play Park - EcoPlay

The Montserrat National Trust, MNT has announced the launch EcoPlay, a children’s garden and play park.

The park aims to connect the local community with its ecological roots through play and innovative architecture.

Earlier this year the Montserrat National Trust acquired the lot of land adjacent to the botanical gardens and on the corner of the Northern Main Road and Olveston Estate Drive, to provide wholesome activities for young children on the island.

The MNT then sought guidance from the UK Overseas Territories Conservation Fund on the best way to develop the space and were put in contact with Yasmin Shariff of Dennis Sharp Architects.

Dennis Sharp Architects is a UK based architectural firm who from time to time, provide services at no cost to NGOs in developing countries.

Since then, they have worked collaboratively with the MNT to produce the preliminary designs for the EcoPlay children’s park.

The project will provide facilities for young children under the age of 6 years a swell as older children, adults, families and visitors to the island.

A multi-functional building at the top of the site incorporates disabled facilities, a room for playing and learning as well as a small kitchenette.

EcoPlay features include naturally ventilated spaces with solar hot water and high levels of daylight to minimize the use of electricity.

A roof terrace provides a secure play area for young children and breathtaking views across the tree canopy to the Caribbean Sea.

Meantime, Premier, the honourable Joseph E Farrell welcomes the new development.

He says EcoPlay contributes directly to Montserrat’s development goal of sustainable use and management of the environment and natural resources.  

Premier Farrell states that the Government of Montserrat highly commends this initiative, spearheaded by the Montserrat National Trust, to preserve Montserrat’s rich biodiversity and heritage assets in a playful and creative presentation for young people.

Governor, His Excellence Andrew Pearce, comments that this imaginative project launched by the National Trust will engage the island’s youngsters and nurture in them the skills and values they will need as the next generation of custodians of the planet.

Meantime, Director of the Montserrat National Trust, Sarita Francis states that for over50 years, the MNT has been involved in providing opportunities for residents on the island to appreciate and interact with Montserrat’s rich biodiversity. 

She says the EcoPlay Project is about investing in Future Generations who will have a safe, dynamic space created for learning and playing”.