A Call for Well-Devised Strategy to Stem the Flow of People Leaving the Island

The leader of the Parliamentary Opposition is calling on the government of the day to make haste and put mechanisms in place to curtail the continuous decline in the population.

Honourable Paul Lewis says the touted 5-thousand population has been shrinking incrementally which means that sooner rather than later the sustainability of the island would be in jeopardy.

Mr. Lewis contends that whilst there is the need for a robust strategy to be devised to ensure retention of the population, a provision must also be put in place to attract people from the diaspora back home.

Honourable Paul Lewis

Mr. Lewis says it was understood back then that the eruptions of the Soufriere Hills volcano was a major cause for people leaving because of inadequate housing and other issues, there is now a definite need to stop the bleeding before it is too late.