Staggering Unemployment Statistics for Youth in Montserrat

Montserrat’s unemployment rate stands at 8.7 per cent.

That is according to figures released today by the Montserrat Statistics Department.

As at September 2020, a total of 238 persons reported to have been unemployed. Of these, 151 persons were males and 87 females.

The unemployment rates for males and females were 10.7% and 6.6% respectively.

Additionally, the youth unemployment rate was 20.9%.

A further breakdown by sex for youth unemployment rate was 18.7% male and 24.2% female.

The Statistics Department says the information is from the recently conducted Labour Force Survey, in the form of an infographic.

This infographic provides information on the main Labour Force Indicators to include unemployment rate, participation rates, youth unemployment rates, and employment by the major industrial and occupational groupings as guided by The International Standard Industrial Classification and The International Standard
Classification of Occupations.

Additionally, the SDM is conducting a Labour Day 2021 quiz, which started on Monday May 3, Labour Day. 

The quiz, infographic and other information from the SDM is available on the department’s website.