Another Crucial Twist in Court Matter Involving Former Chief Minister David S. Brandt

There has been another twist in the long running court matter involving former Chief Minister David Brandt.

On the 23rd March 2021, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council heard an appeal brought by David Brandt against an order by the Court of Appeal of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (ECSC). 

Mr Brandt, through his counsel Dr David Dorsett appealed against the decision of the Court of Appeal, who had ruled that the use of a constitutional motion by the defence before the trial judge amounted to an abuse of the Court’s process. 

The Privy Council dismissed this appeal and affirmed that this was an abuse.

The Prosecution sought to appeal a previous ruling of High Court Judge Rajiv Persad in respect of Brandt being allowed to cross examine the victims himself but were not given leave to appeal by the Privy Council.

Meantime, Dr. Dorsett told ZJB News that the dismissal of the appeal by the Privy Council was an important decision for a number of reasons.

He says the importance of the decision stretches far beyond the personal circumstance of Mr. Brandt.

Dr David Dorsett.

Mr. Brandt  has been charged on several counts of sexual exploitation of a minor.