The Montserrat Volcano Observatory and the Antigua/Barbuda Met Office Discuss Ash Fallouts from La Soufriere Volcano Eruptions

As the impact of fallouts from the erupting La Soufriere Volcano in St. Vincent and the Grenadines continues, Islands in the northern Leewards, including Montserrat and Antigua/Barbuda have been reporting siting of ash deposits.

The Montserrat Volcano Observatory (MVO) and the Antigua Meteorological Office (Antigua Met Service) have joined in the discussion to try and put the pieces together to ascertain the correct determination what appears to be noticeable ash deposits on both islands combined with expected sharan dust in the atmosphere around this time of the year.

As they entered into a discussion on the matter on the breakfast show Wednesday, Director of the MVO, Dr. Graham Ryan, and Deputy Director of the Antigua Met Service, Dale Destin, shared their views on the climatological and scientific aspects of the unfolding situation.

Dr. Ryan reviewed the condition from Tuesday when he gave an update on the observance of what he said was light ashing on Montserrat.

MVO Director,Dr. Graham Ryan 

Meantime, Mr Destin, having also reviewed the situation on the ground on Antigua, said they were taking a cautious position since they did not have credible evidence to say it was ashing in Montserrat or Antigua

Deputy Director at the Antigua Met Service, Dale Destin