Country Manager for Delta Petroleum Montserrat Sets Record Straight Regarding Fuel Availability on the Island

The management of Delta Petroleum Montserrat Limited has moved to quell a developing situation here regarding the supply of liquid petroleum on island.

There has been much concern in recent times that since September last year no regular gasoline has been delivered to the island, much less to the pumps for local consumption. 

At present, only premium gasoline is available on island and at the pumps, and residents are crying “foul” since they have not been given the option to choose from both regular and premium gasoline. 

But Country Manager for Delta Montserrat, Roslyn Cassell Sealy in an interview with ZJB News moved to allay the fears of the public following what was described as a productive meeting Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. Cassell-Sealy also spoke of the pricing for fuel especially the disparity between regular and premium gasoline.

She says Delta Petroleum has no control over the pricing of fuel…emphasizing that this is determined or influenced by the price on the world market

Country Manager for Delta Montserrat, Roslyn Cassell- Sealy