The process has taken a long time but sand miners on Montserrat are now seeing the finish line.

After a protracted period the miners will soon be issued with licenses to conduct mining operations in an expanded mining zone in Belham Valley and the old capital Plymouth.

They agitated for the expansion for many months as stocks of good quality sand were being depleted.

Minister of Agriculture, Lands,Housing and the Environment, the Honourable Crenston Buffonge says the process included a change to the Physical Development Plan which took some time because of the consultations.

He explains, however, that workers safety was always the most important factor in the determination.


Governor, His Excellency Andrew Pearce has hailed what he says is the sterling work by frontline health professionals and support staff in managing the covid-19 pandemic.

Speaking during his press conference on Wednesday afternoon, Governor Pearce said the yoeman effort has been borne out by Montserrat only having two active cases presently.

He however exphasizes that Covud-19 is a tricky adversary and residents need to continue to be vigilant in order to curtail its spread.

Meantime, Governor Pearce revealed that a consignment of AstraZeneca vaccine is now on island.

He says the AstraZeneca doses are primarily targeted at persons who wish to have their second jabs.

He however says the Pfiser option of the covid-19 vaccine will become available later this month


Owner and Managing Director at DR Diagnostics, Raymond Samuels is calling for men on the island to visit their doctors for examinations detecting signs of prostate cancer.

Speaking at the conclusion of the Pink Ribbon Walk, closing out Breast Cancer Awareness Month, he says, though it may seem like embarrassing, it is important to ensure they stay healthy for their families.  

Samuels also presented fifteen men on Montserrat with fifty percent discount vouchers for a Prostate-Specific Antigen or PSA test at DR Diagnostics.

A PSA test is a blood test to help detect prostate cancer, measuring the level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood.


Marine protection advocate Veta Wade has announced the return of her ocean club event for children on the island.

Ms Wade said activities of the club were suspended in 2020 because of the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, she says activities have resumed and the children will be taught how to swim and about the marine environment.


The Montserrat National Trust is encouraging members of the community to continue support the building of its Eco Play park; the children’s garden and play facility.

Executive Director, Sarita Francis, says individuals and businesses can make donations in cash or kind including building materials and expertise.

Mrs Francis says so far the Trust has been encouraged by the generosity of the Montserrat community, but she is appealing for more persons to come on board.

The project will provide facilities for young children under the age of 6 years as well as older children, adults, families and visitors to the island.

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