Montserrat Community College Obtains 100% Passes in 13 of 20 CAPE Subject Areas

Forty-five (45) students wrote the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE) in twenty (20) subject areas.

There were 100% passes in thirteen (13) of them namely: - 1. Accounting Unit 2

2. Biology Unit 1

3. Caribbean Studies

4. Chemistry Unit 2

5. Computer Science Unit 1

6. Digital Media Unit 1

7. Entrepreneurship Unit 1

8. Environmental Science Unit 1

9. Information Technology Unit 1

10.Management of Business Unit 1

11.Physics Unit 1

12.Sociology Unit 2

13.Tourism Unit 2

Passes ranging from 96% to 80% were obtained in six (6) of the remaining seven (7) subject areas.

There was a total of one hundred and fifty (150) exam sittings with one hundred and forty (140) passes. The Overall Pass Rate for the College for the 2021 Advanced Proficiency examinations is 93.3%.