A Call for a Representative from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office to be Stationed in Montserrat

The Financial Aid Mission opened virtually this morning with a call from Montserrat’s leader of government business for a representative from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office to be stationed in the governor’s office here to understand and report on the needs of the population.

While thanking the British Government for its support over the years and especially during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Premier, the Honourable Joseph Farrell says the needs of a struggling population cannot be fully understood virtually.

Premier Farrell says while some have benefited from UK assistance, there are sections of the population still suffering real hardship.

Premier Farrell also makes a case for Montserrat to be assisted by the UK government to achieve economic independence and sustainability.

Premier, the Honourable Joseph Farrell

Meantime, Sailaja Annam-Raju     Economic Adviser and senior responsible Owner for financial aid, says the COVID-19 Pandemic has somewhat masked the ongoing challenges that Montserrat is facing.

She pledges the UK government’s continued support to Montserrat

Economic Adviser and senior responsible Owner for financial aid Sailaja Annam-Raju