Montserratians Celebrated the Life and Legacy of Alphonsus 'Arrow' Cassell

Montserratians and fans around the world paused on Tuesday to reflect on the legacy of National Hero Alphonsus ‘Arrow’ Cassell.

September 15th marked the 10th anniversary of Arrow’s death.

Many tributes poured in, particularly on social media, paying homage to the celebrated Soca King of the World.

Arrow who was also a successful businessman produced 22 albums and toured extensively in Europe, North America and Asia.

He left behind a rich legacy including the international hit “Hot Hot Hot”, which was recorded in more than a dozen languages, and was the theme song for the 1986 FIFA World Cup.

It was arranged by Trinidadian Leston Paul who recalls his successful partnership with Arrow.

Leston Paul

Long before Arrow, took the Soca genre to the international scene, he established himself as a serious Calypsonian competing against the likes of Sir McLean ‘King Short Shirt’ Emmanuel from Antigua.

Short Shirt reflects on the days when they competed against each other.

Sir McLean ‘King Short Shirt’ Emmanuel

Despite his success and fame, Arrow is remembered by friends as a passionate and generous man.

Close friend, the Right Honourable Basil Morgan commented on the humanitarian side of the legend.

Basil Morgan