COVID-19 to Shape Government's 2020/21 Budget on Thursday

The Movement for Change and Prosperity MCAP administration will present its first budget on Thursday.

Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell will present the annual statement of income and expenditure in the Legislative Assembly, 4PM at the Montserrat Cultural centre.

The budget statement is expected to weigh heavily on the coronavirus pandemic and the government of Montserrat's response, which includes eight million dollar in relief from the United Kingdom.

The budget is usually presented in March at the end of the government's financial year, however it was delayed because of the covid 19 pandemic.

The government had an overall budget of 202.2 million dollars in 2019.

Estimates of recurrent Revenue and Expenditure for 2019/20 provide for a total of $137.77 million dollars, while capital expenditure was budgeted at 64.40 million dollars.