Audit Found Criminal Intelligence System Secure

An Information Security Audit on the Overseas Territories Regional Criminal Intelligence Systems (OTRCIS) has found the software to be very robust and secure.

The audit, which was tabled in the Legislative Assembly on May 19, found there were very stringent policies, procedures, and controls in place that ensure the safeguarding of OTRCIS-related computer equipment; and the data that is inserted in the forms, stored on the server, and transmitted across the network; against unauthorised access and modification.

However, the Audit found that there were a number of non-operational systems at Police Headquarters and recommend that the RMPS renew their efforts to procure systems to ensure the full security of the building. 

Inspections revealed missing or no electrical fire extinguishers in some areas, while the existence of an emergency system comprising of fire alarms, smoke detectors, and temporary lock-up cell buzzers, installed at the Headquarters that was disconnected years ago by the vendors, after it malfunctioned were noted.

The Office of the Auditor General in a news release says efforts should be made to replace and reinstate these equipment and systems to ensure the safety and security of personnel and Government of Montserrat assets. 

This Information Security Audit report assessed whether the OTRCIS software and the related computer and communication systems are properly secured against unauthorised access and modification of information whether in storage, processing, or transit, and against denial of service to authorised users.