The Government of Montserrat Works on Policy to End the Lockdown

Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell says the lock down measures the implemented by the Government in April were successful in preventing the spread of the coronavirus.

Speaking in Parliament on Tuesday Premier Farrell said the lockdowns worked, along with ongoing public health approaches, as evidenced by the absence of confirmed COVID-19 cases.

Montserrat has not had a confirmed case since April 12.

Previously 11 persons had contracted the virus.

Mr. Farrell said, however, that there remains the potential for the re-emergence of the disease.

Premier Farrell stated that the government is working with Public Health England and other agencies to devise a policy to end the lockdown.

He indicated that conditions have to be right before the government moves to the next phase of loosening restrictions.

Premier Farrell also announced that the government will move to adopt regional protocols in order to protect the residents of Montserrat.

Premier the Honourable Joseph Farrell.