May 1, 2020 GIU, Davy Hill Montserrat– The Trade and Quality Infrastructure Division, Office of the Premier, is thrilled to announce that Hayley-Shai Kassie from the Montserrat Secondary School was amongst the 6 winners of the ‘CARICOM Competition Commission’s (CCC’s) Secondary School Essay Writing Competition 2019-2020.’

At the start of the 2019/20 academic year, the Trade and Quality Infrastructure Division was delighted to share the opportunity with eligible schools on island to take part in the Competition, as it was considered an opportunity for that age grouping to become exposed to fair competition and consumer related affairs within the CARICOM region.
 The competition targeted 2 categories of students:
1. Students aged 12-15 years; and
2. Students aged 16-19 years.
 Students were invited to compose an essay on one of the following topics:
1. How does Fair Competition among businesses benefit me and my region?
2. How do consumer protection laws benefit me and region?
 Hayley-Shai Kassie placed 3rd in the 12-15 category and will be awarded a prize of US$500. Hayley-Shai’s essay will also be published on the website of the CCC at; not only as a means of showcasing her work, but also for the educational benefit of her colleagues. The Trade and Quality Infrastructure Division was informed that the winning schools are also expected to receive a prize.
 Principal Trade and Quality Infrastructure Officer, Miss Adena Johnson is hopeful that these types of educational awareness programmes will continue to be forthcoming not only from the CCC, but also as part of the Division’s yearly work programme.
 The CCC, in a press release dated 30th April 2020, highlighted that a total of 50 essays were received from across the region. These submissions received high commendations from the Chairman of the CCC for the high quality of work and creativity which went into the essays.
 The Trade and Quality Infrastructure Division extend congratulations to Hayley-Shai Kassie for an exceptional job.