A 29 Member Delegation Set to Represent Montserrat at CARIFESTA 2019

A 29-member delegation from Montserrat is expected to leave the island later this week, for the 14th Edition of CARIFESTA—to be held in Trinidad and Tobago.

Logistics Coordinator for the CARIFESTA group Nerissa Golden says the delegation is being led by the Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Premier Daphane Cassell and will also include Director of the Montserrat Arts Council Kenneth Silcott and Chair of the MAC Board, Dr Claris Barns.

Golden provides more details on the composition of the CARIFESTA grouping.

Under the theme, “Share. Connect. Invest” the August 16 to 25 event aims to celebrate the excellence of Caribbean artistry.

And Golden says despite it being challenging to pull plans together for the delegation, the team will be very active by taking advantage of every opportunity presented.

Golden says the island will be visible at the festival in arts, dance, literature, media and music.

Adding that several television appearances have also been arranged for other members of the delegation.

Logistics Coordinator for the CARIFESTA group Nerissa Golden

The main delegation will leave the island on Thursday.

The Director of the Montserrat Arts Council (MAC) Kenneth Silcott comments on the significance of Montserrat’s participation in the Caribbean Festival of Arts.

Director of the Montserrat Arts Council (MAC) Kenneth Silcott

The Office of the Premier made available $100,000 EC dollars for the CARIFESTA delegation.

Other sponsors for the trip are the Department of Trade, the Ministry of Communications and Works' ICT Division and 4th Dymension.