An Attorney-at-Law Says the Island's Development Depends On Proper Access

Attorney Jean Kelsick says the development of Montserrat is being retarded by access woes.

Mr. Kelsick, wants to see positive steps to build a proper port and the return of a Twin Otter Service.

In his submission to the FAC Inquiry Mr. Kelsick noted that the development of island Montserrat depends on both.

He points out that by contrast to Montserrat, Saba, which is 5 square miles and has about 2000 inhabitants has a decent port, is serviced by the Twin Otter on a shorter runway than Montserrat’s.

He also notes that Saba, a special municipality of the Netherlands, has a thriving tourist industry and has, in contrast to Montserrat’s crumbling roads, good quality concrete roads throughout. 

Mr. Kelsick's concern is shared by businessman Norman Cassell.

However, he says the problem is not only about infrastructure.

He would like to see a comprehensive strategy that would address the problem.

Norman Cassell


The Honourable Premier Donaldson Romeo says the port development project will have a profound impact on the economy.

He says the project, valued at 14 million pounds, will create the first ever safe harbour on the island.

He explains what this would mean for businesses.

Donaldson Romeo