Montserrat Utilities Limited Plans to Overhaul New Generator

Montserrat Utilities Limited MUL is working feverishly to solve issues affecting the power station.

Major maintenance work is planned on the main medium speed 1.5MW diesel generator (No. 7) during the week of September 17th.

Shortly after, a complete overhaul of the 1.8MW High Speed Diesel Generator (Genset # 5) which should take place during the month of October.

Managing Director kendal Lee says the completion of these two major maintenance routines will put the Power Station back in a secure position.

The recent power outages were caused by a issues with the medium speed generator, namely with the control system and with the automatic load shedding schemes on the Feeder Control panels. 

In addition to this, other technical problems are also being experienced on the other three high speed generators.

This means that the power plant is operating without reserve capacity, meaning that the security of the supply is still compromised. 

MUL has apologized to its customers for the frequent interruptions to the electricity service that have been occurring recently.