Montserrat Community College Achieves 92% Pass Rate In CAPE

The Montserrat Community College (MCC) says it received 100% passes in 16 subjects in the 2018 sitting of the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE)

They are Caribbean Studies, Communication Studies, Computer Science Unit 1, Computer Science Unit 2, Geography Unit 1, Literatures in English Unit 1, Physics Unit 1, Sociology Unit 1, Digital Media Unit 1, Tourism Unit 1, Tourism Unit 2, Applied Mathematics Unit 2, Chemistry Unit 2, Economics Unit 2, Information Technology Unit 2, and Pure Mathematics Unit 2

Passes of 80% and above were obtained in six (6) of the remaining ten (10) subject areas.

The MCC made special mention of integrated Mathematics where the pass rate was 73%. 

This is a marked improvement from 2017 when the pass rate was only 45%.

 Sixty four (64) students wrote CAPE examinations in twenty six (26) subject areas. 

There was a total of two hundred and twenty nine (229) exam sittings with two hundred and eleven (211) passes.