87 Visit Guadeloupe On Special Day Trip


The Access Division is reporting a successful maiden day trip to Pointe a Pitre Guadeloupe on the Jayden Sun last weekend.

87 of the persons in Montserrat who registered for the trip took up the opportunity to visit the French speaking Caribbean island.

As part of the activities, some persons had pre-arranged tours to the Botanical Gardens, Rum Factory and Waterfall, Rainforest, the Zoo and Chocolate factory.

Meanwhile, the Access Division and others chose to explore Pointe a Pitre City on their own, where they took in the sites, cultural performances and retail therapy.

French Teacher at the Montserrat Secondary School Denise Silcott said her students thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

While in Guadeloupe, there was a plaque exchange between a representative of the Mayor of Pointe a Pitre, Marketing Officer in the Tourism Division Cherise Aymer and Captain Elvis Gooding of the MV Jaden Sun. 

Based on feedback survey forms completed by the passengers on board the ferry, the Access Division says 63% of the responders expressed that they had a good experience on the Jaden Sun and the service provided by the crew. 

All passengers who completed the survey commented that they would participate in another day excursion organised by the Access Division. 

Although the majority of persons are requesting a follow-up overnight trip in the near future to Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe, the division says there is also a huge demand for visits to St. Maarten or Martinique.

The journey took approximately four hours each way.

The Access Division says it expresses heartfelt gratitude to the authorities in Pointe a Pitre, Montserrat Border controls, the Ministry of Health, Captain and crew of MV Jaden Sun and all of our valued customers who made this day trip possible.