Principal of the MSS Reports Improvements in Students Performance

Principal at the Montserrat Secondary school Cherlyn Hogan is reporting improved performances by students at the institution.

Mrs. Hogan says it is worth noting that there has been a steady improvement in the quality of passes over the years.

The number of Grade 1 passes across the various subject areas has increased from 47 in 2015 to 75 in 2016 to 103 in 2017.

She says the recorded increase can be attributable to the positive response of students to the high expectations of their teachers, a trend that the school is keen to maintain.

Mrs. Hogan says the performance of male students is also improving.

In the 2017 CXC CSEC exams, boys performed exceptionally well in the technical areas of Industrial Technology Building and Electrical, Technical Drawing and Visual Arts as well as in PE and Sport, gaining 100% passes in these areas.

In the other areas, the performance of the girls was better than that of the boys.

The narrowest performance gap was observed in Math and English, with a 2.9 and 2.8 percentage difference in performance respectively.  Mrs. Hogan says there was a 10% decline in the performance of students in English A, while Math recorded a 4% improvement in performance over that of 2016.

She expects an overall improvement as a result of the programme of targeted intervention currently employed at the school. 

The strategy is expected to result in an increase in the number of students who successfully write exams in at least five subjects at the CXC CSEC level year on year for the next five years in the first instance.