Sufficiency Hearing to Continue Against Former Chief Minister David S Brandt

The Court of Appeal of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court has dismissed a five-point appeal brought by David S. Brandt and argued by his counsel Dr. David Dorsette.

The appeal stems from proceedings brought against Mr. Brandt during 2015/16 when he was charged with 5 counts of child sexual exploitation.

He sorts to challenge the decision of the trial judge, Justice Bell, at sufficiency hearing when Justice Bell ruled against him that on the strict construction of the statutes, the prosecution was right to lay the charges.

Mr. Brandt appealed to the court on the grounds that he was denied the protection of the law as provided for under the Montserrat Constitutional order 2010.

The same arguments were raised before Justice Bell which the learned Justice rejected, calling them “Absurd”.

Mr. Brandt sort to challenge the judge’s ruling.

The court of appeal, in handing down the decision Thursday afternoon, was in full agreement with the trial Judge Justice Bell.

The Crown’s case was argued by Anesta Weekes Q., C.

In its decision the court, in dismissing the appeal, ordered that the matter be remitted to the trial judge in the high for the continuation of the sufficiency hearing.

The court also asked that counsel provide submissions regarding the cost of the appeal.

This would be considered at a later date.