The Government of Montserrat is inviting applications from suitably qualified persons for the post of Driver, within the Ministry of Health and Social Services.
To provide adequate transportation and messenger service throughout the Ministry in an efficient manner.
Providing internal and external messenger/delivery services for the Hospital, Clinics, Dental, Health Promotion, Oriole Villa and the Ministry of Health Headquarters and Social Services.
Collecting mails for the Ministry facilities from the General Post Office.
Delivering purchase orders to merchants, collect goods and compare invoices and receipts to purchase order.
Transporting staff to and from the Hospital on the Hospital’s business or as requested by the Facilities Manager, Maintenance Technician, Secondary Care Manager and nurse in charge outside regular working hours.
Transporting workers to and from work on the required shifts.
Monitoring the operations of the vehicles and report to the Facilities Manager as appropriate. Ensure that the vehicle's fuel gauge is always above quarter tank and request fuel purchase orders as required.
Handover the vehicle at the end of the shift to the incoming driver ensuring that the appropriate checks are conducted.
Ensuring the interior of the vehicle is clean on each shift.
Transporting meals and linen to and from the wards and geriatric units/ homes where use of a vehicle is necessary.
Transporting in-patients and out-patients to and from the hospital and between the internal hospital units.
Assisting administrative or other staff with lifting of any furniture or equipment.
To assist hospital/medical staff with matters pertaining to patient/client care including:
moving and handling of patients within the hospital and to and from the hospital
collecting and delivering results and samples to and from the laboratory
collecting and delivering drug boxes for the pharmacy
transporting Pharmacy and Laboratory stores by trolley
transporting medical supplies in the absence of the drivers or stores assistant
collecting and delivering patient records and x-Rays for the wards and medical records
transporting meals and dishes by trolley to and from the hospital kitchen, ward and Geriatric homes
transporting of furniture and equipment internally and externally
cleaning casualty, patient trolleys and mortuary trolleys
dusting high areas
disposing garbage from all sites within the hospital and geriatric homes to hospital garbage holding area
autoclaving of dressings and surgical instruments
collecting and changing medical gases
changing cooking gas in the absence of the maintenance technician
incinerating or burying placenta, amputated limbs, lab waste and used needles
transporting bodies from the wards and geriatric homes and to mortuary
performing all mortuary functions and assisting with post-mortems and sanitizing as necessary
assisting medical, nursing and geriatric staff with patients at the hospital and residents at the geriatric home
The applicant should possess:-
A Public Service License
School Leaver’s Certificate
Be able to able to read and write
Be physically fit
A three (3) year contract will be awarded to the successful candidate. A gratuity at the rate of 12.5% will be paid on successful completion of the contract.