Basic Needs Trust Fund Signs Contract For Solar PV Training

The Basic Needs Trust Fund has announced that a contract has been signed with Green Solutions International SKN Incorporated to deliver training in Renewable Energy Resilience Certification - Solar PV Installation, Inspection and Maintenance.

Eleven persons have signed up for the course. 

At the end of the training the participants are expected to receive The North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners Associate Credential & Certification. 

This certification is the most widely recognized certification in the field of Renewable Energy.

The course will provide participants with fundamental knowledge to become a PV technician with the skills to build, operate and maintain PV systems safely and efficiently.

The online training began on February 1st and the Installation, Maintenance aspect of the course is expected to begin the first week in March with installation of solar systems on the Dental Clinic in St Johns and the Salem and St Peters Health Centres.

The Caribbean Development Bank says it welcomes this thrust in renewable energy and the BNTF is delighted to collaborate with the Department of Energy Government of Montserrat in this venture.

Radio Montserrat